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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT

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  • A tribute to my friend Don by Carol A. Bouldin, LMFT, Webmistress

A tribute to my friend Don by Carol A. Bouldin, LMFT, Webmistress

Friday, January 16, 2015 5:45 PM | Deleted user

I knew Don as a colleague at our inland Empire chapter of CAMFT, where he served as chapter president as

well as board member at large, always an enthusiastic supporter of our seminars and positive promoter of our

group. I attended a number of psychodrama sessions with him as well, which offered insight and were not only

informative, but personally helpful. I also got to know Don some in the context of music, which we both

enjoyed. Don had a great bass voice, singing for many years I know in the choir at the University United

Methodist, and he invited me along to go caroling with him and his church group a couple of times as I also sing

and play the piano. Though Don was a churchman and a previous pastor, he was never heavyhanded or pushy

about religion, but he was positively evangelical with regard to psychodrama, to which he devoted much of his


But more than anything, Don was my friend. He was a great listener and always offered support that was free of

any sense of judgmentalism, and he had a quiet way of conveying his unconditional acceptance with just a few

words. These are rare traits, and ones that I value highly. I’m so glad we could spend some quality time together

and that he was able to come to the IE-CAMFT holiday party in December. I wish I had realized our time was

so short--it seems there is never enough time for the important, meaningful things in life and I just hope he

realized how much I appreciated him. I will miss you Don, my dear friend.

Carol A. Bouldin

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