Course Outline:
Brief questions are allowed throughout the course of the lecture with dedicated time at the end for formal Q&A 1. Introduction to Traumatically Encoded Events
a. Formal Definition of Traumatically Encoded Events
b. Differentiation of Traumatically Encoded Events from PTSD and acute
trauma c. Components of a traumatically encoded even (EMLI)t:
i. Event
ii. Meaning
iii. Electrochemical Landscape
iv. Inescapability
2. Impact of a Traumatically Encoded Event on Information Processing
a. The 5 senses
b. How information is encoded traumatically
i. Content
ii. Context
iii. Complex Content
c. Limbic System Processing and electrochemical results
i. Sensitization
d. Prefrontal Cortex Processing and electrochemical results
e. Impact on Information Processing: AMPA receptors on the lateral nucleus of
the amygdala and the trauma filter 3. Role of Havening in Depotentiating Traumatically Encoded Events
a. Delta Waves and their role in trauma reprocessing
b. Self-Havening Resiliency Practice
c. Introduction of the role of working memory in paralyzing rumination and
empowering healing d. Group CPR for the Amygdala practice
4. Questions and Answersives:
Participants will be able to discuss:
· 1)The underlying principles of traumatic encoding and their downstream consequences
· 2) Potentiation and depotentiation of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala and why this is important
· 3)Experiencing the potential of self-care to reduce vicarious traumatization
· 4) Easy intervention for autonomic nervous system regulation and keeping the brain within the window of tolerance at a synaptic level - CPR for the Amygdala – for themselves and their patients
Dr. Truitt is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who is committed to understanding brain’s ability to transcend and transform the complex and beautiful relationship between nature and nurture. Utilizing her training as a neuroscientist and a clinical psychologist, along with her M.B.A. in Healthcare Administration, Dr. Truitt has passionately dedicated her life to advancing the treatment of Trauma and Stress-Based Disorders. Her clinical practice, scientific studies, and trainings are specialized in the treatment of PTSD/Complex Trauma, panic disorders and anxiety, phobias, as well as other stress-related disorders. Her research focuses on brain health during the recovery process, treatment outcomes, and psychophysiology. Dr. Truitt consults nationwide for trauma treatment programs, leads research initiatives, and provides trainings on trauma as well as personal empowerment through her training organization, Viva Excellence. She is also CEO of her group practice, Dr. Kate Truitt & Associates, A Psychological Corporation, in Pasadena, CA where she and her team specialize in the most effective and cutting edge treatments empowering people to Live Their Excellence. Dr. Truitt founded and currently sits as the Chairman of the Board for the Amy Research Foundation, a 501c3 organization to advance research into the innovative treatment realm of neuroscience based mental health treatment.
* This course will be offered online through Zoom rather than in person
Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT is a CAMFT Approved CEU Provider Agency Provider # 62278
CEU Hours: This course meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Certificates: Completion certificates will be awarded electronically upon participant’s completion of an electronic seminar evaluation.
Refund Policy: If a participant is unable to attend and notifies IE-CAMFT 72 hours in advance of the training, seminar fee will be fully reimbursed.
Grievance: If any aspect of the training is not to the full satisfaction of any participant, please notify the coordinator, CEU committee chair, or another IE-CAMFT board member. We hope to resolve any issue immediately on-site. If not resolved, the full IE-CAMFT board will review and resolve the issue.
IE-CAMFT wishes all participants to have an excellent learning experience. Please notify the coordinator or other board member if you need special accommodations. If possible, call Garry Raley at (951) 640-5899 in advance.
Presenter Non-Appearance Policy
In the unlikely event that a scheduled presenter does not appear for a scheduled event, the following steps will be used to remediate inconvenience to attendees:
An announcement will be made to inform everyone that CEU credits cannot be provided due to inability to meet CAMFT standards for advance notice, etc.
The meeting will be held. Attendees will be encouraged to participate for the purpose of professional development.
If an attendee has paid for the seminar, s/he will receive either a full refund or credit for a future presentation.
If the topic will be repeated at a later time, notice of the date and time will be provided to all interested parties.