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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT


Chapter Newsletter
July 2024

Featured Event

Supporting Pregnant and Postpartum Clients and Their Families

Presented by Susan Lowe, LMFT, PMH-C

Friday, Sept 27, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

ONLINE (2 CE credits)


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President's Message

Summertime, for some of us it might feel a bit scary since caseloads might be going down while clients are going on vacation or they have more home responsibilities since kids are home, others might see it as an opportunity to have some time off for themselves and able to practice more of the much encouraged self-care. At times I struggle with practicing self care since there seems to be not always enough time in a day. So I am glad that my colleagues/friends remind me the importance of it and give some great suggestions, from taking a day off and enjoying a hike in the mountains, a walk on the beach, a cup of java or lunch with a friend, to a (small) moment of mindfulness, or a quick stretch. What is your favorite self care activity? I hope for some of you, you will respond that it will be hanging out at our networking events. Our next one will be in a few weeks at our Board Retreat on July 26 (sign up will be on our website soon).  We try to have some fun while also preparing for our next year and hope that members will bring some ideas/suggestions on how we can continue growing and making our chapter to the best of our members’ liking. 

We had a great time at our Welcome-a-Board event and I want to take this opportunity to thank DawnEllen for the pictures she took.

In case you missed it, here is a picture of our newest Board so you know who you can approach if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for our chapter.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Top: Steve (financial chair), Ayo (Member at Large), Crystal (Membership Chair), Jamie (Member at Large), Muriel (President-Elect), Susan (Member at Large)

Bottom: Ilse (President), Jane (Program Chair), Angie (Secretary), Omar (Past-President) (missing Imani - (Member at Large))

Ilse - President IE-CAMFT

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Welcome New and Returning Members

Aleksandra Villepique, William Jolly, and Teresita Garcia

Thank You for Renewing

Susan Lowe, Cecile Girgis, Deron Hodge, Erika Flores, Kelly Cornish, and Mu-Lan Chau

Renewal Reminders

Adelina Hills, Alexa Gonzalez, Amanda Barnes, Amanda Arana, Angela Paniagua, Antoinette Babers, Arlene Todd, Bonnie Rose, Bruce Emmerson, Caitlin Skorupski, Christopher Figueroa, Christine Denstadt, Carol Bouldin, Carol Adkisson, Cesily Smith, Cynthia Brownlee, David Cabrera, Delseta Robinson, Deryl Taylor, Elizabeth Cortez, Emily Hernandez, Ezekiel Moseley, Eseoghene Oniwor, Georgia Daniels, Gloria Simpson, Janice Browning, Jennifer Kolbow, Julianna Blackstone, Karen Quinn, Kimberly Medcraft, Kylie Kellas, Lauren Guzman Johnson, Leann Gonzalez, Lisa Axelrod, Lolita Domingue, Luisa Limon, Lynn Flewelling, Manpreet Rai, Marie Bassil. Mariela Zamarripa, Mary Stanley, Margaret Wild, Matthew Bernard, Michelle Gasper, Maximilliano Cabellos, Macie Manis, Marie Bassil, Melissa Kotzin, Nicole Serrani, Nikki Myres, Pam Vance, Ranela Kaligithi, Robert Delpino, Ronena Summers, Ruthie Gloyd, Sarah Bergeson, Sheri Coulson, Siobhan Tolbert, Tabitha Thrash, Tandrea Tarver, Teresa Palomino, Thema Poarch, Thomas Thomazin, Tobias Desjardins, Tiffany Knowlton, Tina Avila, Tracie Yonkman, Vicki Andrews, and Wanadalyn Lane

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At Our Last Meeting

Exploring Otherness, Imposter Syndrome and Power, Through the Lens of DEI

Presented by Dr. Juan Gavidia, PhD, LMFT

Friday, June 28, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

ONLINE (2 CE credits)

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Upcoming Events

Supporting Pregnant and Postpartum Clients and Their Families

Presented by Susan Lowe, LMFT, PMH-C

Friday, Sept 27, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

ONLINE (2 CE credits)


Therapist Book Fair

Saturday, Sept 28, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Riverside Public Library, 3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA


Helping Client’s Survive Narcissism

Presented by Ashley N. Green, MA, LMFT

Friday, Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

ONLINE (2 CE credits)


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