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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT


Chapter Newsletter
May 2024

President's Message

New beginnings,

IE-CAMFT has never lost sight of its purpose: to serve our members with valuable services. As your new president, I am humbled to accept this responsibility. If you are unsure about the services we offer our members: we have our (almost) monthly presentations (at free or reduced fees for members), networking events, free inclusion in our Therapist Directory, and
free classified advertising in the monthly ad bulletin as well as on the website.

I want to thank Omar Valentino-Gonzalez, my predecessor for being able to accomplish many of the goals our board set out last year and I am hoping to continue moving forward in his footsteps.

In this newsletter, I would like to (re)introduce myself (just in case you don’t know me yet): In 2001 I moved to the Inland Empire from Belgium and have since raised our 2 kids who are gradually stepping out in the adult world. I learned about IE-CAMFT around 2012 at a time when I started to venture out as (at that time) an intern (now they are called associates). Doreen Van Leeuwen took me under her wings and got me more involved first as co-program chair, then as program chair. When she moved on to a different chapter, I changed my role to membership chair. I have enjoyed each position to connect more with other like minded people and grow my network and knowledge along the way. I am so happy and grateful that some of our members have stepped up and joined our board and hope to get a similar experience as I have. Welcome to Muriel (president-elect), Angie (Secretary), Jamie, Susan and Ayo (Members at large). Hopefully we can inspire others to do the same and step up in the future since it is after all YOUR chapter. Please don’t hesitate to ask us about our roles in our upcoming Welcome-a-Board social event in the next few months (more details to follow).

May is Mental Health Awareness month, so hopefully we will get some good information out to the public. If you have any suggestions, please let me know by emailing me:

This month’s presentation will be our second part of Law and Ethics by Dr. Mah. If you happen to have missed the first part, not to worry, check it out in our ‘on demand’ library. As mentioned in our previous message, this year has been a little different and we have given our members the option to mix and match between what we offer as well as state CAMFT to get to your required
6 hours L&E. Offering them in blocks of 3 hours also gives our associates the opportunity to fulfill their required renewal CE.

Looking forward to seeing you all in one of our upcoming networking events as well as at the presentations or at our board meetings (all members are welcome to attend).

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns, looking forward to hearing from you.


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Welcome New and Returning Members

Deb Gernandt and Jacquelyn Perez

Thank You for Renewing

Pamela Perez, Leticia Brice, Carolyn Howell, Luis Martinez, Imani Coleman, Karen Asbra, Jamie Rios, Kristen Rawlings, Gabriela Garcia, and Rachelle Fernadez

Renewal Reminders

Adelina Hills, Alexa Gonzalez, Amanda Barnes, Amanda Arana, Antoinette Babers, Arlene Todd, Bruce Emmerson, Christopher Figueroa, Christine Denstadt, Carol Bouldin, Cesily Smith, Cynthia Brownlee, David Cabrera, Delseta Robinson, Deryl Taylor, Elizabeth Cortez, Ezekiel Moseley, Eseoghene Oniwor, Georgia Daniels, Janice Browning, Karen Quinn, Kylie Kellas, Lauren Guzman Johnson, Leann Gonzalez, Lisa Axelrod, Lolita Domingue, Luisa Limon, Manpreet Rai, Mariela Zamarripa, Mary Stanley, Matthew Bernard, Michelle Gasper, Maximilliano Cabellos, Macie Manis, Nicole Serrani, Pam Vance, Ranela Kaligithi, Ruthie Gloyd, Siobhan Tolbert, Tabitha Thrash, Tandrea Tarver, Thomas Thomazin, Tiffany Knowlton, Tina Avila, Vicki Andrews, and Zelda Verett

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Upcoming Events

L & E: Seductions and Arrogance: Client Presentations and Therapist Vulnerabilities That Cause Therapists to Make Legal and Ethical Errors Despite Knowing Better - Part 2

Presented by Ronald Mah, PhD, LMFT

Friday, May 31, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

ONLINE (3 CE credits)


Exploring Otherness, Imposter Syndrome and Power, Through the Lens of DEI

Presented by Dr. Juan Gavidia, LMFT

Friday, June 28, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

ONLINE (2 CE credits)


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