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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT


February 2020

February 28, 2020 Featured Event

L&E: Ethics in Documentation: Moving Forward in a Digital Age

Maelisa Hall, Psy.D, Licensed Psychologist

This presentation heavily emphasizes how documentation is an act of client care, and encourages clinicians to treat their documentation practices as client care rather than “administrative work” that may be overlooked, avoided, or viewed as less important than other clinical tasks. Furthermore, the presentation will review options for clinicians and provide standards based on ethical principles so clinicians can adjust their practices tobetter suit the needs of clients in a variety of scenarios or settings.

Case notes and client paperwork are commonly written in private and hidden away, making the experience confusing and anxiety-provoking for even seasoned therapists. Due to necessary limits to confidentiality, therapists rarely read one another’s notes as a matter of practice. Instead, notes tend to be available only at the request of the client or during situations commonly viewed as negative, such as during a board investigation or court proceedings.

This advanced workshop will provide direction based on ethical principles, but also a supportive format for discussing and practicing documentation in real time among colleagues. Most mental health professionals find the exercise of writing notes together to be cathartic and affirming, as well as informative. Attendees will be encouraged to evaluate their client population and modality when considering what best applies to their practice, and to share with one another throughout the workshop so as to establish a standard of care based upon ethical and legal principles.


  1. Create a progress note that incorporates applicable ethical guidelines.
  2. Explain the concept of treatment planning and goals to clients in a meaningful and understandable way.
  3. Describe the most common risks associated with clinical documentation and assess the acceptable level of risk related to use of technology.
  4. Evaluate which laws and ethical principles to use in supporting individualized documentation practices.

Educational Objectives: Attendees will:

1.     Understand how to individualize and adjust documentation templates for the clinician’s preferences and client’s needs.
2.     Expand awareness of the documentation options available to clinicians and adjust documentation practices accordingly.
3.     Use technology to improve clinical practice while evaluating overall benefits and drawbacks for both clinicians and clients.

4.     Feel confident that case notes and treatment plans meet ethical and legal standards.


Dr. Maelisa Hall is a licensed psychologist, serial entrepreneur and co-host of the My Biz Bestie podcast. Through her online continuing education courses at QA Prep, she encourages professionals to consider WHY they are creating policies or doing things, rather than copying from others or repeating what they have heard in the past. She enjoys creating trainings that are interactive and engaging so that clinicians leave with strategies they feel ready to use immediately.


Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT is a CAMFT Approved CEU Provider Agency  Provider # 62278

CEU Hours: This course meets the qualifications for 6 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences

Certificates: Completion certificates will be awarded electronically upon participant’s completion of an electronic seminar evaluation.

Refund Policy:Cancellations must be 14 days in advance of the seminar for 100% refund, 72 hours minimum for a 50% refund. Less than 72 hours cancellation will result in forfeiture of payment.

Grievance:  If any aspect of the training is not to the full satisfaction of any participant, please notify the coordinator, CEU committee chair, or another IE-CAMFT board member.  We hope to resolve any issue immediately on-site.  If not resolved, the full IE-CAMFT board will review and resolve the issue.

IE-CAMFT wishes all participants to have an excellent learning experience.  Please notify the coordinator or other board member if you need special accommodations.  If possible, call Garry Raley at (951) 640-5899 in advance

Presenter Non-Appearance Policy

In the unlikely event that a scheduled presenter does not appear for a scheduled event, the following steps will be used to remediate inconvenience to attendees:

An announcement will be made to inform everyone that CEU credits cannot be provided due to inability to meet CAMFT standards for advance notice, etc.

The meeting will be held.  Attendees will be encouraged to participate for the purpose of professional development.

If an attendee has paid for the seminar, s/he will receive either a full refund or credit for a future presentation.

If the topic will be repeated at a later time, notice of the date and time will be provided to all interested parties.



Our annual February L&E seminar is filling up fast. In order to secure your spot and get the maximum discount available, members should sign up right away for the Law & Ethics seminar 2020. Rates are going up February 15th for members so register today!  Guest rates remain the same. Remember that your registration is not confirmed until the seminar fee is paid. PLEASE NOTE THAT CANCELLATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 15th IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A FULL REFUND.

We are now using Affinipay (Wild Apricot) as our online payment processor, so members and guests may use any credit card to pay for our seminars, join the chapter, or renew chapter membership!

We are always on the lookout for good presenters--if you are interested in presenting a seminar to our chapter, please contact our programs coordinator, Lynn Flewelling, LMFT, submit an application available on the Events page on the website, or contact us through the website.

 President's Message:

We as a board are excited to present our Law and Ethics training for this year.  Why is a Law and Ethics Training so Important?

As I am sure anyone reading this understands, we are governed by both legal and ethical standards.  As clinicians, it is important for us to consider and if necessary, consult, on legal and/or ethical dilemmas.  We make daily decisions and we need to rely heavily on these trainings to keep us apprised of the latest laws and regulations.  

One of the changes in our world, our digital world, is an important part of the decision-making process today.   The training that we are hosting this month, by Dr. Maelisa Hall addresses our ethical and legal standards in this digital age that we are all navigating.    She herself has a strong online presence and will guide us on how to manage our documentation using today’s technology. Her learning objectives, will help us to gain confidence as clinicians in today’s modern age. 

Please take the time to sign up for our training but do it quickly because it is almost full.  The link is included along with the description of this month’s training in the newsletter and in the announcements which are sent out.  

One other thing, our board could use some help.  Both our hospitality, and our set-up and tear down crew need your help.  If you are willing to help, please contact one of the board members and we would be more than happy to welcome you as a volunteer.  We are growing, and with growth comes the need for more help.  Would you please consider stepping up and being a part of our team?  Thank you for considering filling in this gap for us.  

Carol Adkisson, LMFT

President, IE-CAMFT

Welcome New and Returning Members!


  Patricia Johnson, Aline Aguilar, Miroslava Villegas Reyes, Sydney Isley, Janell Mercer (Gagnon), Kristen Rawlings, Norma Bermudez, Cassandra Allen, Emelly Rosspencer, Sidya Espinoza, Brittaney Halley 

  Thank you for renewing!

Rich Wayne, Judy McGehee,  Gabriele Roberts,  Kamela Elliott, Raceal McWhorter, Daniel Nyirady, Diana Pash, Donna Horne, Sandra Cutbirth, Thomas Thomazin 

Renewal Reminders:

Frank Gonzalez, Lisa Popper, Mario Rocha, Marie Honda, Michael Rector, Sally Finn, Holly Leary, Sarah Bergeson, Esther Arredondo, Nehreen Ayub, Mary Stanley, Summer Dowd-Lukesh, Gina Cross, Irma Obregon, John Rigoli, Lisa Axelrod, Wendy Durkee, Araceli Rosas, Lolita Domingue, RoJean Talmadge, Wendy Ferguson, Nicholle Stepanian, Karisa Quick, Natasha Revilla, Tina Avila, Danielle Bowen, Jenna Hardy, Betty Odak, Vicki Andrews, Lisa Erazo, Yoon Young Kim, Alexander Irvine, Suha Albadawi, Jacquelyn McDonald

At Our Last Meeting:

Trends in Modern Parenting and The Implications for Children and Families Seeking Therapy

Becca Ballinger, Psy.D.

Trends in Modern Parenting research over the past several decades can be summarized into four major themes: the changing demographic of the Modern Family (a traditional family structure vs. a nontraditional family structure), a shift in the quantity and quality of time spent between parent and child, the influence of social and technological advances that permeates the attention of modern kids, and the increase in adolescent mental health disorders. The purpose of this presentation is to examine and summarize these themes and to provide specific examples for mental health professionals of how to address these trends within the therapeutic context. Change doesn’t have to be an alarm bell for the demise of the Modern Family. With further understanding of current Modern Parenting trends, the future of the Modern Family will be a healthy and positive one.

Educational goals:

  • To foster attendees’ development of competence as practitioners, including their knowledge of the ways in which science influences practice.
  • To foster the development of mental health professional who demonstrate their multicultural sensitivity, awareness, knowledge, and competence in their training and professional work.
  • To provide broad and general training on the topic of Modern Parenting while also fostering attendees’ professional development and identity as mental health professionals that provide services for children, adolescents, and families.

1. Participants were able to identify the top 4 trends in Modern Parenting research.
2. Participants were given 4 examples of how to apply these trends to their treatment plans.
3. Participants gained a better knowledge of the important research sources for Modern Parenting information.
4. Participants were able to identify the complexity of being a Modern Parent by hearing the presenter’s first-hand account of parenting within a non-traditional family structure.

Dr. Becca Ballinger is a child psychologist, Modern Parenting Expert, founder of the popular blog, Parenting The Modern Family, and owner of a Southern California private practice. She specializes in helping kids and families of all types overcome modern challenges that threaten the stability of the family. As a parent of a 21-year-old son and a 18-year-old daughter, not only does she know how to raise great kids within the structure of a non-traditional family, but she understands the unique stressors that this generation of kids must overcome. She has written extensively for large publications such as The Huffington Post on topics such as kids and mental health, successful parenting in nontraditional families, the motivation crisis that plagues this generation’s youth, and finding the balance between over-parenting and under-parenting.

Upcoming Events:

An Introduction to the Havening Techniques - March 27, 2020

Stages, What Stages?  Let's Make Grief Solution-Focused - April 24, 2020

Maternal Betrayal:  Analysis & Therapeutic Interventions - May 22, 2020



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