During our last IE-CAMFT board meeting, our Vice President, Omar Gonzalez-Valentino, PHD, LMFT commented that when he first joined IE-CAMFT the thought of being on the board was was an overwhelming idea. He commented further that it would have been helpful if he could have had a friend/mentor on the board to help him appreciate what great value he could bring to IE-CAMFT by bringing himself, and the skill sets that are quintessentially Dr. Gonzalez-Valentino. The other board members have volunteered to be such a friend/mentor. If you are interested to making such a connection, contact the board member of your choice.
If you are looking for support from other professionals in our field, reach out to the On DEMAND opportunities for training on the IE-CAMFT website.
You'll find presentations/ CEU opportunities available ON DEMAND on our website at ie-camft.org. Look for ON DEMAND LIBRARY and more will be available soon. Don't Delay in checking these out, since all available presentations are free of charge for members (for now)!! Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to iecamft@gmail.com.
I love being part of IE-CAMFT. It makes me feel that I'm part of the big picture, and that keeps me hopeful!
Aaron McLeish, Carol A. Bouldin, Cassondra Rose, Andrea Alvarez, Bonnie Rose, Mariela Zamarripa, and Deron Hodge
Thank You for Renewing
Margaret Wild, Amanda Arana, Linda Salladin, Georgia Daniels, and Antonia Allison
Renewal Reminders
LaQuasha Henderson, Norma Jasso, Lauri Mendes, Danelle Spikes, Stanley D. Brown, Claudia Garcia, Madelyn Kunysz, Erin Snow, Torria Payton, Lydia Alejandre, Roberta Reid, Ramona Carver, Jeanne Duebbert, and Tina Gonzalez
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