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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT


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March 2019

  The Professional Exchange - IE-CAMFT Newsletter


March 22, 2019 Featured Event

How do I talk to my grieving client? The “stuff” to know, and the words not to use

Jill A. Johnson-Young, MSW, LCSW

This presentation will bring the participants into the world of grieving clients and the experiences that have had before they reached your door. Grieving clients have some very specific needs, and some that they are unaware they are bringing to you. They have others that will never come up without your invitation- and they need you to have the knowledge base to meet those needs. Can you provide the environment and therapeutic approach to meet their needs?

·         Do you know what the dying process looks and sounds like?

·         Do you have the words to re-educate your client if they misunderstood what they experienced and saw?

·         Can you address the self-blame and guilt that comes with the death of a loved one by reframing it with a reality-based approach?

·         Are you fully aware of the words and phrases that no grief client ever wants to hear, especially in the safety of their therapist’s office?

·         Are you ready to really, really hold space?

Grieving clients are facing fear, guilt, anxiety, and sadness. They frequently put their grief needs behind those of the others grievers in their family, and their therapist is one of the few safe places they can find support when they are struggling. They have frequently heard they are supposed to be experiencing “stages” and that they are not doing their grief process they way they are supposed to.

This presentation will provide you with a description of the dying process, the most common experiences of grievers, the words to use and the ones to avoid, and will frame grief work as a solution-focused process, no stages, and not one that never ends. It will prepare you to meet your grief clients where they are, and to walk them through to their new life.


1. Participants will describe the dying process with appropriate language

2. Participants will identify the most 5 common emotions associate with grief

3. Participants will understand the impact of the words and phrases their grief clients have heard, and identify three ways to empower the client to answer them

4. Participants will be able to contrast the five stages of anticipatory grief for a dying person versus the experience for their grief client after a death, to create a treatment plan with their clients that has reasonable expectations that fit the grief experience.


Jill Johnson-Young, LCSW, is the CEO and Clinical Director of Central Counseling Services in Riverside.  She is a certified Grief Recovery Facilitator, and specializes in grief and loss, dementia, trauma, and adoption issues. She has more than a decade of experience with hospice and trains therapists and social workers in areas that include correctly treating childhood trauma, grief and loss, and dementia care. She holds a BA from UC Riverside, and her MSW from the University of South Florida.  

Ms. Johnson-Young speaks on the topics of grief and loss, dementia, and the needs of adoptive children on the local, state, and national level, and receives positive reviews that note her engagement with her audience, energy, and sense of humor while providing valuable information. Jill is the creator of Your Path Through Grief, which is a year-long, comprehensive grief support program, and the author of the soon to be published books “Don’t Grieve like that! How to grieve your way from a rebellious widow” and the children’s book “Someone is sick- how do I say goodbye?” She is a member of the Purple Cities coalition in Riverside and facilitates a dementia support group monthly.


Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT is a CAMFT Approved CEU Provider Agency  Provider # 62278

CEU Hours: This course meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences

Certificates: Completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.

Refund Policy:  If a participant is unable to attend and notifies IE-CAMFT 24 hours in advance of the training, full reimbursement will be sent within ten (10) working days.

Grievance:  If any aspect of the training is not to the full satisfaction of any participant, please notify the coordinator, CEU committee chair, or another IE-CAMFT board member.  We hope to resolve any issue immediately on-site.  If not resolved, the full IE-CAMFT board will review and resolve the issue.

IE-CAMFT wishes all participants to have an excellent learning experience.  Please notify the coordinator or other board member if you need special accommodations.  If possible, call Garry Raley at (951) 640-5899 in advance

Presenter Non-Appearance Policy

In the unlikely event that a scheduled presenter does not appear for a scheduled event, the following steps will be used to remediate inconvenience to attendees:

An announcement will be made to inform everyone that CEU credits cannot be provided due to inability to meet CAMFT standards for advance notice, etc.

The meeting will be held.  Attendees will be encouraged to participate for the purpose of professional development.

If an attendee has paid for the seminar, s/he will receive either a full refund or credit for a future presentation.

If the topic will be repeated at a later time, notice of the date and time will be provided to all interested parties.

This issue:  

March Featured Event



Welcome New and Renewing Members!                       


At our Last Meeting           

President's Message

Upcoming Events


Welcome New Members!


WendyFerguson, Rojean Talmadge, Nicholle Stepanian, Natasha Revilla, Karisa Quick,Tina Avila, Danielle Bowen, Jenna Hardy, Imelda Mares, Lisa Erazo, JacquelynMcDonald, Julie Chappa, Marelis Marrero

Thank you for renewing!

Yoon Young Kim, Elena Leyva, Vicki Andrews, Mary Stanley, SuhaAlbadawi, Betty Odak, Lisa Axelrod, Judy McGehee, Sandra Cutbirth, John Rigoli, Stefanie Sherbon, Melissa Casebier, LisaTobler, Wendy Durkee

Renewal Reminders:  Kari Hidalgo, Betty Avery, Vernon Bradley, NormaJasso, Catherine Wheeler, Rich Wayne, April Shorters, Donna Horne, VictoriaMontes-Vu, Adrian Williams, Tara Holgate, Tino Rodriguez, MonaSmith, Grecia Marquez-Nieblas, Marc Cameron, Jill Catlin


It is YOU the members who keep our chapter going!  If your membership is up for renewal please complete the renewal process as soon as possible--your membership is the backbone of our organization and what allows us to keep offering great seminars and CEUs, the Therapist Directory, Membership Directory, and more.  Thank you! :)


At Our Last Meeting . . . 

Law & Ethics 2019: Tough calls, moral dilemmas, technology, and more

Ben Caldwell, Psy.D.

Seminar description:

Our morals and values inevitably influence our work. When we have clear legal and ethical standards to guide us, we defer to those standards. But often, when faced with difficult decisions, our standards offer conflicting guidance, or none at all. This can confuse clients, who wonder whether their therapist will truly understand or support their choices.  Through the use of case examples, this workshop will show how our individual morals and values influence therapy work even when we seek to appear neutral; how to identify your own morals and values relevant to your practice; and why owning those values matters.

Seminar goals:

Goals for this workshop included (1) Assisting therapists in understanding the role that their own morals and values play in clinical and ethical decision-making; (2) Encouraging therapists to think critically about that role and its implications for therapy; (3) Informing therapists about recent developments in court cases and ethical standards related to the personal values of the therapist; and (4) Encouraging therapists toward transparency with clients about the therapist’s values, in accordance with ethical standards and the therapist’s theoretical orientation.

Seminar objectives:

At the conclusion of the workshop, participants were able to:

  1. Identify at least two personal morals and values most relevant to their psychotherapy practice
  2. Differentiate between a personal opinion, a clinical opinion, advice-giving, and imposing personal values
  3. Construct a framework for clinical and ethical decision-making that integrates personal morals and values in a manner that is within professional ethical boundaries and appropriate to their clientele
  4. Identify three common frameworks for making value-based decisions
  5. Identify at least two implications from court cases involving mental health students’ moral decision making.

Speaker bio:

Benjamin Caldwell is the author of five books, including Basics of California Law for

    LMFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs, and Saving Psychotherapy. He serves as adjunct faculty for California

    State University Northridge. In his role as Chair of the Legislative and Advocacy Committee for the

    California Division of AAMFT, he was directly involved in California’s first-in-the-nation ban on

    reparative therapy for minors, and drove the change in title from “intern” to “associate” for pre-licensed

    MFTs and PCCs. For his advocacy work, he was awarded the AAMFT Division Contribution Award in

    2013. He maintains a private practice in Los Angeles, specializing in working with couples.

    President's Message: 

    March President’s Message:

    Greetings IE-CAMFT members. As we enter spring, and approach this year’s board elections, I can’t help but think about new beginnings for our chapter. Last month I encouraged you all to share the benefits of membership with your peers and encourage them to join our wonderful organization. This month I ask those of you who are members to consider a leadership position by becoming a board member. There are lots of different leadership opportunities on the IE-CAMFT board, including positions overseeing programs, CEUs, membership, and finances, as well as committee positions coordinating hospitality, events, and outreach/social media. People can also serve the organization more generally by becoming a board member at large. Being a board member is a great way to serve your professional community, and ensure that you have a say in local services and events provided by your local CAMFT chapter. Whether or not you are interested in serving on the diary of directors, I encourage you to attend the March meeting when we will be nominating this years contenders, and the May meeting when we will vote on this year’s nominees. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful month, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the March seminar when we are joined by Jill A. Johnson-Young to discuss “How to speak to grieving clients.”  

    Amanda Cavicchi, MA, LMFT


    Upcoming Events:

    Deep TMS and Beyond - April 26, 2019

    CAMFT Update: State of the Profession - May 24, 2019

    Mindful Choices for Well-Being - June 28, 2019


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