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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT

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February President's Message

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:42 PM | Anonymous

Share Your Expert Knowledge and Commitment

Have you ever considered sharing your expert knowledge with others? Yes, you! I know that sometimes self-doubt and our continued need to learn and grow actually keeps us from sharing what we do know. We all have specialties, niche markets, tricks of the trade that work well with our clients and may not be listed on the pages of therapy books.  I would like to encourage you to share that information with others. Have you heard of HARO? It stands for “Help a Reporter Out” ( All you need to do is sign up and each day they send you two emails with inquiries about topics.  Some of the subjects will not be of interest but usually there are two to three possible inquires that would be perfect for a therapist to share knowledge. If you respond, make the process as easy as possible for the reporter. Do not say I have knowledge about marriage counseling for example, but actually respond to the questions thoroughly in your email to the reporter and be sure to give your contact information. This is a great way for a therapist to develop a voice and social credentials and increase your client caseloads. It can take a while for your information to appear in print or for you to “be selected”. I personally know of a therapist that responded for one article and the reporter used her information 6 months later in a different article. Even if you do not get selected right away the exercise of finding your voice in writing is so valuable for all therapists, including you interns, yes you too, are experts and have great value for the public. Let’s hear from you too!

I am delighted to share that this chapter now has a 3000 club. We kicked off the first meeting Saturday January 30th at Dr. Catherine Wheeler’s office with 14 attendees. The group detailed their wants and needs; speaker topics were requested, small group discussions were had, networking was initiated, and a private Facebook page was developed. These interns are a wonderful, smart and enthusiastic group of up-and-coming therapists and I was so impressed with their passion and commitment within the field. This group will be meeting monthly (the last Saturday of each month)   and the next one will be held in my office in Riverside on February 27th from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM. Address: Central Counseling Services: 6840 Indiana Ave. Ste. 275, Riverside 92506.  All interns and associates are welcome. Please call (951) 778-0230 if you have any questions.

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that I have received two phone calls from people in the community that are continuing to deal the aftermath of the San Bernardino shootings. These people have already gone through 4 days of crisis intervention groups with therapists but are they are still having difficulties. I was able to connect them with wonderful and caring therapists for 3 free sessions. I am still gathering a list of therapists for this service to our community. If you haven’t submitted your information please do so directly to me @ Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and your specialty please. Or email me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Hope to see you all at this month’s Law and Ethic’s Seminar with Dave Jensen.

Until next time,




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