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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT

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July President's Message

Monday, July 10, 2017 10:47 AM | Deleted user

Hello everyone.  We are not having an IE-CAMFT meeting this month.  Hope you are having a relaxing and exciting summer!  Your Board will be meeting at the end of July to plan the year's events, and we are looking at some minor changes to the bylaws.   More CEUs to come in August.   Please let us know if you have any ideas about presenters. Ilse has worked hard to get outlines and info from the seminar presenters so we can provide you with CEUs every month.  Sherry has worked very hard to create the 3000 Club.  All pre-licensed therapists please attend the 3000 Club so we can support you.  Let any board member know if you have ideas for making our Inland Empire CAMFT able to serve you better.  See you in August!! 

Janetta Peltz, IE-CAMFT President
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