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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT

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Thomas (Tom) Thomazin


Member profile details

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Last name
First name
Thomas (Tom)
MS in Counseling Psychology
Business Name
Genesis Counseling
San Bernardino
Zip Code
92408 -&- 92508
License/Associate Number
LMFT 32218
Genesis Counseling
Optional information
Genesis Counseling = I am the President and CEO of Genesis Counseling, as well as Executive Director and one of it's many Clinicians. We have 4 Clinics (one in San Bernardino, one in Riverside, one in Victorville, and one in Ridgecrest) with several licensed and pre-licensed clinicians, a psychological assistant, and clerical staff. We offer counseling services to all ages and provide Individual, Couple and Family Therapy Services from a solid psychological and Christian Biblical Worldview foundation.

I am also an Adjunct Professor at California Baptist University for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences teaching in both the Graduate and Undergraduate programs.

In addition to the above information, I am one of the Pastors at The Church Family Fellowship in Riverside. I retired early from Riverside County Department of Mental Health, Children's Division, as a Mental Health Service Supervisor developed and started their TRAC Team (Therapeutic Residential Assessment & Consultation Team) working with Probation, Social Services, Department of Education & Mental Health dealing with children, youth and their families who are at risk of losing their placement; from the beginning stages of entering therapy to placement in the highest levels of care (including out of state locked facilities) providing assessment, authorization, and evaluation of mental health services.
Area of specialty, expertise
Marriage Communication, Restoring Marriages,
Family Systems & Cognitive Behavioral Approach,
Adolescents Issues, Cutters, & Anxiety Disorders
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