Breaking Through Betrayal During Covid-19, Presented by Holli Kenley, LMFT
When we think of betrayal, most of us associate it with our personal relationships. However, with our lives changing at a more rapid and unstable pace accompanied by a myriad of ensuing injuries and injustices precipitated or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are feeling betrayed on all levels: financially, legally, professionally, relationally, politically, spiritually, etc. While some individuals are able to bounce back rather quickly, many more struggle with the paralyzing effects of betrayal and are not able to move forward.
What I am proposing is innovative and inclusive. In my work as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I specialized in the areas of abuse, trauma, addiction, grief and loss. Although there are many valuable interventions that bring effective healing and growth for our clients struggling with these issues, I often felt as though I was missing something. Also, I consistently felt challenged by the different kinds of betrayal that my clients were experiencing, and I felt frustrated by the ineffectiveness of both the knowledge and tools available to address betrayal injury. What I have come to learn is that betrayal injury is unique: it is often buried beneath a myriad of other presenting disorders/symptoms; it is frequently missed and dismissed; and left unattended, it continues to manifest with increasing destructiveness and devastation.
After spending several years observing clients, analyzing case studies, and synthesizing qualitative data, I have brought together a new perspective on betrayal and a recovery program tailored specifically for injury from betrayal, of any kind.
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