When the Therapist Gets Triggered…..
with Avis Cole Attaway, LMFT
CRM – the Comprehensive Resource Model – is a trauma therapy for the treatment of Complex PTSD and severe dissociative disorders. Working with this population of clients can activate a therapist’s own unresolved traumatic material. Attachment disruptions and survival terrors stored in the neurophysiology become part of our “story” - and reactions - as a therapist. One of the most powerful techniques available to help change and resolve deep issues, CRM combines traditional approaches with cutting edge technologies and energetic/spiritual work. Focusing on the use of internal resources and anchoring them into the neurophysiology through the use of eye positions allows for fear responses to be extinguished while being fully present in the moment. Activating the innate, organic healing energy within the body while in a state of attunement allows for the processing and integrating of traumatic memories, the release of pain and the emergence of a fresh perspective so that new truths can emerge.
Created and developed by Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed., its influences and antecedents include Brainspotting, EMDR, ego state therapy, hypnosis, somatic experiencing and mindfulness. CRM is a novel approach that combines the elements of many psychotherapies to promote a natural healing through the body.
Objectives of the seminar:
Participants will be able to identify:
Avis Cole Attaway graduated from Loma Linda University in 1994 with a Masters in Marriage-Family Therapy, became licensed and began a Private Practice in Riverside, Ca in 1997, and founded Life Source Training Institute, a non-profit agency offering low-cost services to the community, in 2010. She is currently completing a doctoral dissertation on Trauma & Attachment using Brainspotting & CRM.