Inland Empire Board & Chapter Update
Have you ever considered volunteering some time to be on your local Inland Empire CAMFT Board? I can hear your objections “I don’t have time,” “I’m too busy,” “I don’t have anything to really contribute.” “I’m only an intern.” I would counter all through negative thoughts and say, “Rubbish!” Being a member of the CAMFT board is not hard nor is it very time consuming. I will acknowledge that it does take a few hours a month but honestly only a few. We all have something we can give. I really would like you to think about it and come to a board meeting, talk to any board member about their job. My mother often would say, “Many hands make less work.” That is so true. Please share your gifts with our chapter it might make you even happier than you are right now; current research substantiates this and by volunteering you are prone to less depression--just another good reason to stay after the presentation! In order to encourage your participation, I have created a Top 10 List for you to consider:
The top 10 benefit list to volunteering for the Inland Empire CAMFT Board:
You receive high prestige from your family, friends and colleagues
You get to meet interesting people
You get to add the CAMFT logo to your website; increases free marketing and thus your income
You get to be “in the know” before everyone else
You laugh a lot; and I mean a lot
Colleagues refer to you so your income increases
Your business Facebook page gets more likes
You stand out in a crowd
You have built-in case consulting colleagues with invaluable and priceless information
You help define what MFTs are in our community
With all sincerity, please consider just a few hours to help guide this chapter into even more greatness. If you want to speak to me about any board position you can email me at or call me (951) 323-2182 I would be happy to speak with anyone about the time commitments.
The Inland 3000 Club will again meet this month April 23, 2016 from 11:00-1:00. The topic will be “Tools For Couples Therapy;” the presenter will be Dr. Catherine Wheeler; the location will be 6840 Indiana Ave. Ste. 275, Riverside, CA 92506. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP at 951-778-0230 so we know how much food to provide (however, if you are reading this late and did not RSVP, please come anyway.) Everyone is welcome; you do not need to be a member of CAMFT to attend.
I also wanted to update all of you on the San Bernardino incident last December. Our chapter has volunteered to provide limited free counseling. To date, we have connected 8 people to therapists in our area and we have provided 40 sessions of free therapy since January. Thank you all for your hard work, caring, and compassion you have shown to those in our community who were in need. Our members continue to amaze me with their dedication to our field. I am humbled and proud to say we are MFTs.
Until next time,
Sherry Shockey-Pope, IE-CAMFT President