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Hope, Change, and Acts of Kindness

Thursday, August 04, 2016 10:46 AM | Anonymous

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “transition” as: “a passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another, a: change; and b: a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.” I was thinking about our clients and how they come to see us weekly and they are asking us to help them change, to adjust, to accommodate, garner insight, and transition from one perspective or feeling to another. As all of us know, change can be hard, stressful, and yet can also be exciting, hopeful, and freeing. I know that when I see growth within my clients, interns, students, my colleagues, and even myself I feel happy and hopeful and encouraged. Recently, it seems we have had a series of bad news locally and worldwide and sometimes I wonder if we are making a difference.

However, if I look into our world carefully I will find hope and growth and light. I find people, just regular people like you and me, doing wonderful acts of kindness and showing great compassion for the human race.  Sometimes it’s small, like helping a neighbor jump start their car. Other times it’s huge like sitting and being present while a little girl and her mother tell you about the suicide of their brother and son respectively, and how a kind police officer stayed with the little girl all night long singing songs, coloring pictures, and holding both mom and daughter in his arms until family from out-of-state could arrive to be with the family.

That kind of compassion rarely makes the news. What we as therapists do rarely makes the news but that doesn’t mean for a second that it does not matter.  I was teaching the other day and a couple of students came to me and asked my opinion of their dream to start two non-profits; one to help with the sex trafficking that would have a treatment and housing component and the other was a one-stop shop for services for CPS families: one or two places they could go to receive parenting skills, drug treatment, medical care, and have a visitation center. Their eyes sparkled and their voices were very excited about their possible dreams. I gave them counsel and encouragement. But they gave me more, the idea that hope is still out there, that we as humans want a better world for all, and that these young people will be part of the solution. 

Until next time

Sherry Shockey-Pope

IE-CAMFT President

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