Hi, This is Carol Rose Adkisson your IE-CAMFT President. Hope all is going well! I am curious how your practices are shifting with the advent of the vaccines and more and more businesses opening. My business remains a hybrid. Do you have concerns about liability? Are your businesses covid compliant? There are so many questions to consider during this Global Pandemic. We hope you are all well!
I would like to announce that our elections for this year have been completed.
The elected board members are:
President – Carol Rose Adkisson
President Elect – Paul Velen
Financial Officer – Steve Gray
Secretary – Sherry Shockey-Pope
Membership Chair – Ilse Aerts
Program Chair – Lynn Flewelling
Members at Large – Garry Raley, Cecelia Fabris andOmar Gonzalez - Valentino
If you are interested in becoming a member of the board, these are the official duties of each position. We are happy to assist you if you have any questions.
We are in the process of restructuring our bylaws, and there will be more news to follow in the upcoming President’s Message.
Our Law and Ethics Training was a great success. Partnering with State CAMFT was a new endeavor. See details of the presentation HERE. It was very relevant subject matter and we thank CAMFT for this excellent training.
We are always looking for new members for our various committees and board positions. There are many advantages to being on a board. I always say that the New Tribe that you create can support you…we lean on each other.
Giving back to your community by volunteering on a board is a great benefit, the feeling of helping is something we as clinicians are all too familiar with.
The board runs very seamlessly. We email throughout the month and have our (virtual) board meetings on the same day as the monthly trainings, which eliminates logistical concerns, such as driving to a location and getting back home, before and after the meetings.
I believe I have been involved with the board approximately six years (don’t quote me on that). I have networked and hired people from the meetings, made great friends and learned information on so many topics as our trainings are on varied subject matter. And in case you didn’t know, all members are welcome to attend our board meetings. Just email iecamft@gmail.com if you would like the link for the meeting. We would love your input and feedback and introduce you to how the board works.
Our upcoming training is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Evidence Based Practice Which Tends to the Soul by Annabelle Parr,MA, MFT - more info check our website: www.ie-camft.org.
As we continue our virtual presentations, please remember to check the guidelines on our website.
Thank you for continuing to support IE-CAMFT and please share our trainings. We can’t do this without your support. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Carol Rose Adkisson, IE-CAMFT President