Happy New Year,
I was hoping for an amazing start, however noticed so many people have been sick with different illnesses. And at the time I write this there are so many fires in our state which has been devastating to see in the media. We hope that our members, their family and friends are safe. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me (or a board member) if we can be of assistance. State CAMFT has compiled a resource page that might be helpful: https://www.camft.org/CAMFTLAWildfiresResources
We had fun at our holiday party, and I was happy to meet some of our newest members. Our membership chair, Crystal, did an amazing job in organizing the party and being our MC for the evening with fun games, raffles and white elephant gift exchange. We are also grateful for Arcadia’s food donation.

Looking at all the great presentations that Dr. Akponye has lined up for us this coming year, we hope that you can join us online. If you missed one, several of them are available in our on-demand library which is still free for our members: https://ie-camft.org/Online-Webinars. And if you want to be a presenter, you can submit your proposal: https://ie-camft.org/events
I also wanted to make a request to all our members to start thinking and inquiring for our upcoming board of directors elections in April. So if you are interested in joining our board, please don’t hesitate to reach out, get some more information or put yourself on the upcoming ballot. You can find more info about the different positions: https://ie-camft.org/page-1858252
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Kindly, Ilse - IE-CAMFT president