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Inland Empire Chapter of CAMFT

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  • Friday, December 13, 2013 6:06 PM | Deleted user

    Build referrals and network with your free personalized listing on!

    We now have a therapist directory on the new website!  The therapist directory will allow potential clients to find you by name, location, or specialty and will allow clients to contact you directly from the website!  It is now in the “member only” section so that everyone may adjust her/his privacy settings prior to it going public.  Log on and go to your profile in order to view the default privacy settings and adjust them as you like, add additional information, upload a photograph, even include a small classifed ad.

    As a reminder, you may now conveniently join IE-CAMFT, renew your membership, register for events, and pay for membership and events online.

    Hope you enjoy the new features!


    Your Webmistress,

    Carol A. Bouldin, LMFT

  • Sunday, November 10, 2013 11:43 AM | Deleted user


    by Dan Totaro


    As I stated in last month’s newsletter, the CAMFT Board of Directors met in Santa Barbara the weekend September 21st and 22nd for its quarterly meeting during which they approved the following motion:


    To approve the repeal of the current bylaws approved in July 2013 and reinstate the bylaws adopted in January 2009.  The Board’s approval is subject to voting members' approval by ballot.” 


    An official ballot and booklet containing the July 2013 bylaws and the June 2009 bylaws was mailed to the Clinical membership on October 25, 2013.  In the booklet, the July 2013 bylaws appear with a “repeal” watermark across the pages to indicate repeal. The June 2009 bylaws appear with a “reinstate” watermark across the pages to indicate reinstatement. A “Yes” vote on the ballot means the June 2009 bylaws will be reinstated. A “No” vote on the ballot means the July 2013 bylaws will remain in effect.


    To participate in the vote, a completed, signed ballot must be received at the CAMFT office no later than December 4, 2013. A postmark date will not sufficeundefineda completed/signed ballot must be received by this date for it to be counted. Please include any written comments on a separate sheet of paper as comments on the ballot will invalidate the ballot.


    It is now up to the membership to make an informed decision as to the future direction of our association. I strongly encourage each of us to give this matter our full consideration and make a choice based on what we believe is the best direction for CAMFT. I also hope that the percentage of members who vote will be the highest ever! 

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